Defect Closure Guide

Defect Closure Guide

Step 1 – Access your recommendations:

Access your recommendations by clicking “View Recommendations” in the email you received from us, following completion of an audit.

If you did not receive this email, please contact Checkpoint Support ( to request a new one.

If the button is unresponsive, please do the following:
      1. Right click on "View Recommendation"
      2. "Copy link address"
      3. Paste the link directly into your browser.

Step 2 – Open a recommendation:

Double click the row containing the recommendation you wish to update. This will open a new window which will allow you to provide updates.

Step 3 – Add Agreed date:

If possible, provide an estimated date that you can complete our recommendation by, as the agreed date. (Screenshot at bottom of page)

Step 4 – Add Defect note:

Add any relevant information about the defect as a defect note(Screenshot at bottom of page)

 If you have resolved the defect, please describe the changes you made to resolve it in the defect note. 

Step 5 – Provide evidence:

If possible, please provide evidence of the defect resolution in the form of photographs or official documentation.

Step 6 – Close defect:

If the defect has been fully resolved and the recommendation does not apply to you anymore, please click the "Close defect" button.

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