Checkpoint Customer Standard Reports

Checkpoint Customer Standard Reports

Here is a list of checkpoint standard reports along with a brief description.

Name - AA With IGWH Indication
Parameters - Date From and To
Description - All audit activities along with other details within CP, which also includes Internal Gas Water Heater Indicated answer
Columns -
Charge Type
Charge Date
Target Reference
Target Name
Target Address
Target Town
Target Country
Classification 1 Tag
Classification 2 Tag
Classification 3 Tag
Classification 4 Tag
Product Tag
Reference Tag
Contracted Status
Target Grade
Service Type
Service Order Number
Appointment Date
Audit Date
Auditor Name
Audit Overall Risk Grade
Audit Overall Compliance Score
Fire Grade
Pool Grade
General Grade
Child Safety Grade
Hygiene Grade
Security Grade
Gas Used Of Any Type
Internal Gas Water Heater Indicated
Main Fuel Producing Hot Water
Number Of Additional Fuel Types
Additional Fuel Type 1

Name - Audit Activity
Parameters - Start and End Date
Description - All audit activities along with other details within CP
Columns -
Customer Target
Target Ref
Order #
Target Name
Target Address
Target Town
Target Country
Service Type
Request date
Audit Date
Charge Date
Charge Type
Auditor Name
Audit Overall Risk Grade
Audit Overall Compliance Score
Major Non-Conformities (#)
Critical Non-Conformities (#)
Escalations (#)
Recommendations (#)
Target Overall Risk Grade

Name - Defect Progress Report
Parameters - From and To
Description - Details of all defects and how they are progressing, whether they have been completed in a certain amount of days.
Columns -
Target Customer
Charge Type
Target Reference
Target Name
Target Address
Target Town
Target Country
Product Tag
Reference Tag
Contracted Status
Service Category
Service Type
Target Grade
Target Compliance
Service Order Number
Audit Date
Charge Date
Follow-up Email
Follow-up Emails sent
Last Reminder Sent
Last Access Date
Original Audit Grade
Original Compliance Score
Current Audit Grade
Current Compliance Score
Original Defects
Open Defects
With Agreed Date
Completed in Last 30 Days
Completed in Last 90 Days
Total Closed
Total Requested Closed
Total Past Agreed Date
Total Times Accessed

Name - Defect Status
Parameters - From and To (both required)
Description - Details of all defects and current status against a customer. Includes questions, answers, comments and recommendations.
Columns -
Customer Target
Target Ref
Order #
Target Name
Target Town
Target Country
Service Type
Delivery date
Recommend Date
Agreed Date
Defect State
Defect Notes
Charge Date

Name - Escalations
Parameters - Modified From, Modified To (date and time)
Description - Details of all escalations including the associated defect the escalation came from.
Columns -
Target Reference
Reference TAG
Target Name
Target Address
Target Town
Target Country
Escalation Status
Escalation Grade
Advise Restricted Use
Advise Withdrawal
Associated Defect
Escalation Date
Created Date
Last Modified Date
Customer Grade Override
Override Grade Reason
Override Grade Comments
Override Grade Created
Override Last Modified
First Published
Reason For Update

Name - Named Legionella person QA
Parameters - None
Description - All lodging and SA v3 audits which have a No as an answer to the legionella question, Do you have one named person responsible for Legionella control?
Columns -
Target Customer
Target Reference
Target Name
Target Address
Target Town
Target Country
Classification 1 Tag
Classification 2 Tag
Classification 3 Tag
Classification 4 Tag
Product Tag
Reference Tag
Target Grade
Target Compliance
Service Type
Service Order Number
Appointment Date
Audit Date
Audit Overall Risk Grade
Audit Overall Compliance Score
Fire Grade
Pool Grade
General Grade
Child Safety Grade
Hygiene Grade
Security Grade
Recommended Date
Agreed Date
Marking Status
Follow-up Email
Last Access
Follow-up link

Name - Order Book
Parameters - Modified Since, Include (Boolean) Complete, Cancelled, Pending Approval, Confirmed, Escalated, New, Failed, Ignored, Order in Progress
Description - All service orders currently on the CP system and their current status. (Statuses can be included/excluded as required)
Columns -
Target Customer
Target Reference
Target Name
Target Address
Target Town
Target Country
Reference Tag
Product Tag
Contracted Status
Service Order #
Service Order Reference
Charge Type
Service Type
Date Requested
Requested Delivery
Estimated Delivery Date
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Trip Reference
Start of Trip
End of Trip
Service Order Status
Itinerary Status
Scheduled Appointment (Date conducted)
Call attempts
First Call
Last Call
Email Attempts
First Email
Last Email
Last Modified Date

Name - Outstanding order enquiries
Parameters - None
Description - All enquiries and details within the CP system associated with customer.
Columns -
Order #
Customer Target
Target Ref
Target Name
Target Town
Target Country
Service Type
Target Completed
Enquiry Sent
Enquiry Sent By
Enquiry Sent To

Name - Pool Safety QA
Parameters - None
Description - Pool section answers including depths, for CP audits
Columns -
Target Customer
Target Reference
Target Name
Target Address
Target Town
Target Country
Classification 1 Tag
Classification 2 Tag
Classification 3 Tag
Classification 4 Tag
Product Tag
Reference Tag
Target Grade
Target Compliance
Service Type
Service Order Number
Appointment Date
Audit Date
Audit Overall Risk Grade
Audit Overall Compliance Score
Fire Grade
Pool Grade
General Grade
Child Safety Grade
Hygiene Grade
Security Grade
Depth Marking Recommendation
Depth Marking Recommended Date
Depth Marking Agreed Date
Depth Marking Status
Risk Assessment Recommendation
Risk Assessment Recommended Date
Risk Assessment Agreed Date
Risk Assessment Status
Follow-up Email
Last Access

Name - Self Assessment Summary
Parameters - Date from, Date To
Description - Summary of all Self Assessments carried out
Columns -
Customer Target
Target Ref
Target Name
Target Address
Target Town
Target Country
Reference Tag
Service Type
Current Status
% Completed
Sent to (email)
First Invite Sent
Reminders Sent (#)
Last Reminder Sent
Last Accessed
Next action
Service Order Notes
Target Completed
Final Date
Auditor Name
Auditor Email
Audit Date
Audit Overall Risk Grade
Audit Overall Compliance Score
Major Non-Conformities (#)
Critical Non-Conformities (#)
Escalations (#)
Recommendations (#)
Target Overall Risk Grade
Target Overall Compliance Score

Name - Self Assessment Summary Plus
Parameters - Date from, Date To
Description - Summary of all Self Assessments carried out with some additional details in bold below including genre grades.
Columns -
Customer Target
Target Reference
Target Name
Target Address
Target Town
Target Country
Reference Tag
Product Tag
Contracted Status
Service Order #
Service Order Reference
Charge Type
Service Type
Current Status
% Completed
Sent to (email)
First Invite Sent
Reminders Sent (#)
Last Reminder Sent
Last Accessed
Service Order Notes
Target Completed
Final Date
Auditor Name
Auditor Email
Audit Date
Audit Overall Risk Grade
Audit Overall Compliance Score
Fire Grade
Pool Grade
General Grade
Child Safety Grade
Hygiene Grade
Security Grade
Fire Score
Major Non-Conformities (#)
Critical Non-Conformities (#)
Escalations (#)
Recommendations (#)
Target Overall Risk Grade

Name - Target Tags
Parameters - None
Description - All customer target tags in the CP system including target details.
Columns -
Target Ref
Airport Code
Classification 1
Classification 2
Classification 3
Classification 4
Classification 5
CRISTAL - Key Account Manager
CRISTAL - Sub-Brand
dnata - Purchasing Manager
dnata - Region
NLTG - Contractor
NLTG - Target Closed
Off Sale:
On Sale:
Product Information
Shangri-La - HotelCode
Shangri-La - Region
TUI - Gateway
TUI - Opening or Arrival Date
TUI - Source Identifier
TUI - Status

Name - User Access
Parameters - From and To
Description - All customer logins to the CP system including current roles, visibility of targets and last login date
Columns -
Customer Target
Audit Purchaser
Bulk Processor
Contract Manager
Incident Manager
Incident User
Incident Viewer
MI Manager
MI User
Order Manager
Email Address
Escalation Notification
Target Visibility
Number of Logins
Last Accessed (UTC)
Number of Buy Ins
Last Buy In (UTC)
Login Allowed
Last Modified (UTC)

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